Dr. Sabine Hirschauer – Associate Professor



  • Ph.D. in International Studies, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia – USA
  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
  • BA in Political Science; BA in Mass Communication and Journalism, University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill – USA

Areas of Specialization

  • Critical Security Studies
  • Migration
  • Theories of IR and Comparative Studies




Research Interests

Dr. Hirschauer received her Ph.D. in International Studies with a concentration in Security Studies and second major in Comparative Politics from the Graduate Program in International Studies at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Her research interests include security studies, migration, and memory studies. She is the author of the book The Securitization of Rape: Women, War and Sexual Violence  (2014) with case studies of Bosnia and Rwanda. Dr. Hirschauer received a post-doctoral research fellowship with the University of Bloemfontein in South Africa in 2013 and 2014. She presented her research at conferences in Europe, Latin America, South Africa, Rwanda, and Canada and at major international studies and security studies conferences in the U.S. She also serves as a manuscript referee for several journals in the areas of IR, migration, and security studies. 

Dr. Hirschauer has taken NMSU students to Munich on an International Service-Learning Program in 2017, 2018 and 2022 to learn directly about migration and integration challenges in Europe. She has been the NMSU’s Model UN adviser in 2017, 2018, 2022 and 2023. She teaches International Relations, National Security, Security Studies, U.S. Foreign Policy and International Relations Theory. She is originally from Munich, Germany.


Dr. Hirschauer’s 2017, 2018 & 2022 Migration Service Learning Study-Abroad
Trip to Munich, Germany


Selected Publications


Hirschauer, Sabine. (Dec. 2014) The Securitization of Rape: Women, War and Sexual Violence. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9781137410818;



Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters

Hirschauer, Sabine. (2022) Event Cologne: Whiteness, Gender, and Germany’s Ontological Insecurity. Feminist German Studies. Vol. 38(2). 

Hirschauer, Sabine. (Forthcoming) "The Politics of Memory, State Identity, and Gender: Anonymous – A Woman in Berlin, A Post-Conflict Diary Revisited” In Options for Teaching German Literature and Culture of the 20th and 21st Century. Edited by Venkat Mani and David Kim. New York: PMLA Modern Language Association of America.

Hirschauer, Sabine. (Forthcoming) “We are not an Immigration Country – Global Mobility and the Precarity of Gender and Social Reproduction in Germany,” In David Earnest; Jennifer Schiff (Ed.), Power and Wealth in the Anthropocene: Bringing Illicit, Informal and Resource Economies into International Political Economy. New York: SUNY Press (State University New York).

Hirschauer, Sabine. (2021) Beyond Symbolic Policy Making: The Copenhagen School, Migration, and the Marked-Unmarked Analogy Migration Letters. Vol. 18(4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.33182/ml.v18i4.1136

Hirschauer, Sabine. (2021) German and U.S. Borderlands – Recognition and the Copenhagen School in the Era of Hybrid Identities. In Recognition and Migration. Perspectives from Ethics, Political Philosophy and Critical Theory, edited by Gottfried Schweiger, Cham: Springer 2021, (Springer Series: Studies in Global Justice)

Hirschauer, S.C., Karp, R., Kekeh, M., Akpinar-Elci, M. (2021) Service-Learning Study-Abroad and Europe’s Migration ‘Crisis’ – A Case Study. Intercultural Education. Vol. 33(1); DOI:10.1080/14675986.2020.1859992

Hirschauer, Sabine. (2020) De-Securitization, Sexual Violence, and the Politics of Silence. European Journal of Women’s Studies, Vol. 27(3) DOI: 10.1177/1350506819889379

Hirschauer, Sabine (2019) “For Real People in Real Places: The Copenhagen School and the Other Little Security Nothings,” European Security, Vol. 28(4) DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2019.1656199

Hirschauer, S.C., Karp, R., Kekeh, M., Akpinar-Elci, M. (2019) Migration and Integration in Germany - A Transcultural Experiential Learning Approach Toward 21st Century Civic Skills. Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education, Vol. 11(2).

Hirschauer, Sabine (2014) “Rape and the State–Sexual Violence and its Political Narrative and Othering in 21st Century South Africa” Africa Insight Vol. 44(1)  http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ai/article/view/110069

Hirschauer, Sabine. (2012) The Notion of Hope – Simelela: A Model of a South African Rape Crisis Center. In Engaging Men in the Fight Against Gender Violence. Edited by Freedman, Jane. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN-10: 1137014733 | ISBN-13: 978-1137014733


Book Reviews

Hirschauer, Sabine. (2018) Book Review of After Rape: Violence, Justice, and Social Harmony in Uganda. By Holly Porter, for Perspectives on Politics, Cambridge University Press (16)2. 

Hirschauer, Sabine. (2015) Book Review of Peaceland by Severine Autesserre in International Feminist Journal of Politics. (17) 4.


 Dr. Hirschauer’s CV