News and Events









Join our new PhD Program in Transborder and Global Human Dynamics!

We are excited to announce the start of our new PhD program in Transborder and Global Human Dynamics in Fall 2025! This interdisciplinary degree provides doctoral students with a rich understanding of transnational border issues through a rigorous program of cultural, anthropological, political, historical, artistic, literary, and linguistic subject matter. The deadline to apply has now passed, but we will keep an annual deadline of December 1 for future applications. See our website at

For more information, please e-mail us at or call 575-646-4935.



To all Our Spring 2023 Scholarship Recipients. We'd also like to Congratulate our faculty award winners: Cory Sukala was the Mariposa Award Winner and Kim Seckler was named Professor of the Year.  

Spring 2023 Program

Pictures of Students Pictures of Students



NMSU’s Model United Nations (MUN) team received the highest honors - Outstanding Delegation - during the 2023 National MUN competition in New York.



  NEW! Masters Accelerated Program (MAP)

Qualified undergraduate students can ask to take up to 12 credits of graduate-level coursework as part of the Masters Accelerated Program (MAP) and have these credits count both for the BA and an eventual Master’s degree. If you are thinking of applying to the MA in Government or the Masters of Public Administration (MPA), speak with your professor about the MAP program. See the  "Masters Accelerated Program in Dept of Government NMSU" link above for details.


What can I do with a Government degree? Many Things!

Q: What can I do with a Government degree?
A: Many things!!…But don’t take just our word for it.
Read about our alumni and how their studies prepared them for a variety of rewarding careers.
See  here 


International and National Scholarship Opportunities 

NMSU where are going next? 








Wonderful Opportunities for our undergraduate and graduate government students! Please click on this link for a current list. Please contact Dr. Andrea Orzoff, director of NMSU's Office of National Scholarships and International Education (ONSIE)

Interested in Global Issues? Join the Model United Nations at NMSU

Interested in international affairs and participating in a dynamic student organization with a track record of success? If so, learn more about the Model UN program and how to join: Email
